RBC Local Plan Consultation

Reading Borough Local Plan – chance to comment on the Local Plan Partial Update Consultation on Scope and Content (Regulation 18)

Reading Borough Council is now consulting on the Local Plan Partial Update (Consultation on Scope and Content under Regulation 18) until 31st January 2024.

The Local Plan is a crucial Council planning document which will help inform decisions on planning applications up to 2041. We are in the process of updating the Local Plan to take account of recent changes to legislation, address the urgent need for more homes (including affordable homes), plan for associated infrastructure and ensure that sustainable development will help Reading achieve its net zero carbon ambitions. Once adopted, the Local Plan will be the main document that informs how planning applications are determined and covers a wide variety of strategic matters, policies and specific sites for development.

We are seeking comments until the end of January during a period of public consultation. The Local Plan Partial Update Scope and Content document is on the Council’s website at: https://consult.reading.gov.uk/dens/local-plan-consultation/ and copies can also be viewed at the Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU (between 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays) and in all Council libraries (during normal opening hours). Supporting documents, such as a draft Sustainability Appraisal and draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan are also available on the Council’s website and are available for your comments.

We welcome any comments that you have. Please provide written responses to the consultation by 5 pm on Wednesday 31st January 2024. You may complete the online questionnaire (https://consult.reading.gov.uk/dens/local-plan-consultation/) to answer specific questions. The online questionnaire can be accessed via a link on the local plan update webpage. Alternatively, you may respond more generally in writing by email or post. These responses should be sent to: planningpolicy@reading.gov.uk or Planning Policy Team, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, RG1 2LU.

You may also wish to attend one of our drop-in events to talk about the Local Plan to a planning officer in more detail. There is no need to let us know if you wish to attend beforehand. These will be held at the Civic Offices, Bridge Street, RG1 2LU in main reception on Thursday 7th December from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. and Monday 11th December from 2:00 to 7:00 pm.

We will also be holding an online webinar on Wednesday 13^th December at 6pm. Please email us directly if you wish to attend the webinar and we will send instructions on how to join.

Following the public consultation, officers will take some time to consider the public’s feedback before the next stage of consultation on an updated draft Local Plan. The final phase is for Reading’s updated Local Plan to be submitted to the Secretary of State for approval.


Planning Policy Team
Planning, Transport and Public Protection|Directorate of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services

Reading Borough Council
Civic Offices
Bridge Street

Tel: 0118 9373337
Email: planningpolicy@reading.gov.uk