WADRA AGM 2022 Notice

Wednesday 19 October 2022 19:00-21:00
Mapledurham Playing Fields Pavilion

Meeting details

The meeting is open to WADRA members and those eligible to join on the night.

Mapledurham Pavilion

The doors will open at approximately 6:45pm.

How the meeting will be conducted

Please send your questions or comments to be addressed by The Committee during the meeting using the contact form, We ask that any members’ questions are provided no later than 13 October 2021. Questions will be addressed during Any Other Business or under a related topic in the Agenda. If you have questions resulting from the meeting, and there was not an opportunity for the Committee to reply during the meeting, please send them using the contact form. The Committee will send all answers via email to members.


We will be voting on new and returning Committee members during the meeting. Please ensure that when you register for the online meeting you clearly identify yourself with your name and home address, to ensure that your votes are counted. There is one vote per household.

Call for Committee member nominations

If you have an interest in supporting your community by working with other residents to preserve, protect and enhance the character of the area, as well as help to support local charities, run community events and initiatives, please consider running for a position on the WADRA Committee. Nominations for Committee places (total of 10), supported by a proposer and seconder from separate member households other than that of the nominee, must be received by the Secretary or Chair at least 14 days before the AGM (deadline is 6 October 2021). Send nominations via the contact form. Candidates for a Committee position will be posted on the WADRA website 10 days before the meeting.

Full details of Committee elections can be found here under section 4, The Committee.

Call for Members

For information on eligibility and instructions for new members joining please download the constitution and read section 3 for details of membership. You can apply for membership here.

AGM Meeting Agenda (Draft)

  1. TBS

Elisa Miles
Chair, Warren and District Residents Association