Yard Sale Trail — Saturday 25 July 2020, 9am-1pm

What is it?

As so many in the community have put their COVID-19 lockdown time to good use, clearing out unwanted items, WADRA is organising a Yard Sale Trail where you can offer these items for sale (or free or for a charity, if you like) to others in the community. A yard sale trail is like a combination of a garage sale and a car boot sale. You sell your unwanted items from your front garden.

  • WADRA will do most of the ‘leg work’ in advertising the event, although we would encourage buyers to share the event on their social media, groups and with friends.
  • We will create the map of all of the houses that are participating and make it available to the public
  • The map will include a pointer to your house and a 15-word (provided by you) rollover for your location highlighting what you are selling.
  • The map will be available online and can be used via a mobile. We will also put printed maps in various locations/shops. The exact location will be provided nearer the time.
  • WADRA will eMail you a printable version of the map so that you can share this with potential buyers.
  • A sign for your house will be provided to let people know that you are part of the Yard Sale Trail.
  • The cost is £8 to be included in the map. The funds raised will be used towards WADRA initiatives, such as tree planting, wildflower verges, and new kitchen equipment for MPF Pavilion.
  • Obviously, we are hoping for good weather, but would suggest that if you have large umbrellas or gazebos they may be useful, as well as waterproofs and warm clothes.

To participate as a seller, submit the form below,
no later than 22 July 2020

Please include Post Code

Further advice for sellers may be found here.