Planning Applications

Almost all UK Planning Applications are subject to some form of public consultation. Anyone that will be affected must be notified and given the chance to comment. Reading Borough Council used to notify residents, by letter, of Planning Applications made in the vicinity of their property. This practice has now ceased and, although the applicant must still display a Planning Notice at the application site itself, neighbours are no longer directly alerted to proposed development that may affect them.

The content of this page is regularly updated by WADRA to provide a summary of all Planning Applications made within the WADRA boundary. Full details of each application can be found by clicking on the Planning Application Reference Number, which will take you to the application’s entry in RBC’s Planning Register where you can submit comments.

November 2024

RBC Ref. No.AddressPost CodeProposed Work
PL/24/1281Springwood The WarrenRG4 7TQErection of a two-storey rear extension to include a first floor balcony, extension of the eastern single storey area, a front two storey extension on the existing porch, and an upward extension of the existing western extension as well as alterations to the hard and soft landscaping.
PL/24/14484 Scholars CloseRG4 7DNProposed erection of a front, side and rear single-storey extension (rear extension off existing structural slab) with associated internal alterations and fenestration changes. Roof finish to be changed and installation of solar panels to roof.
PL/24/1461Warren Creek
The Warren
RG4 7TQSingle storey ground floor extension on east elevation, dormer roof extension on eastern roofslope and rooflights on western roofslope.
PL/24/0824The Shanty
145 The Warren
RG4 7TQExtensions and alterations to dwelling
PL/24/152525 Chazey RoadRG4 7DSErection of outbuilding for the amenity of the existing dwellinghouse.